Big6 is a communication plug-in for HomeSeer. It covers the following protocols
Serial RS232 or RS485
TCP (incl. Telnet and SSH )
HTTP ( incl. REST API, incl. JSON API)
Messaging (Slack and Telegram are both supported natively)
Big6 will create 6 “Action” menu items in HS4 action menu. One for each protocol. The Big6 action will send out a payload over the selected protocol to a destination (profile) previously setup in Big6 setup. The payload may consist of text or content of other HS4 devices or combination thereof. Furthermore, the content can be conditioned upon the status and or value of other HS4 devices. “If true than do that else do other” logic is supported.
Big6 will create 7 “Condition”/”Trigger” menu items in HS4 Trigger Menu. One for each 6 protocols plus one for handling “errors”. Those will be activated by the incoming/received information from the selected source (profile). Four trigger actions are supported
a) by string (or part thereof)
b) by Big6 Expressions that can apply logical and/or math action upon the incoming information and even mix it with the value, status, string of existing HS4 devices. Big6 Expressions include popular JSON parsing as well as RegEx among many other options.
c) by numbers from the incoming info
d) by “on” or “off” found in the incoming string
Big6 will automatically create HS4 devices from the received/incoming information. The user has great flexibility and many options of using parts of the incoming information for the names of the devices and other parts for value or string of the newly created HS4 devices.
Multiple HS4 devices can be created/updated at once from just one Input. This is particularly useful in JSON API applications where one JSON file could carry information about multiple devices.