You must have at least one TCP listening profile setup in order to receive any input.
The input received from TCP listening profile can cause various actions by Big5.
- Create HS3 device. This depends strictly on the TCP Profile settings. It happens automatically and doesn’t need any action.*
- Update HS3 device previously created by the same profile.
It happens automatically and doesn’t need any action.* - Set the HS3 device value and string from the input data. It happens automatically no action needed. *assuming that the profile was setup properly and the incoming data matches the assumptions used in the profile setting. See “TCP Profile” for more information.
- Trigger HS3 events
Triggering HS3 events from TCP input
There are two ways of triggering HS3 events by TCP input
- Natively in HS3 by “Device value has changed or set”. As far as the TCP input creates/updates devices this very action can be used to trigger an HS3 event.
- By Big5 TCP conditions as explained below.
Go to HS3 conditions drop down menu and look for- and select “Big5 TCP”

You’ll see several options ( called “matchers”) to act upon the received information. As the name suggests there will be HS3 action if there is a match and no action otherwise. In the sample screenshot below the HS3 action is to send out a text message.
Add text or type / to add content
String matcher. You can provide any string that must be contained in the incoming message in order to trigger. You can also provide the exact starting position of your string within the income message for the trigger to happen. Use 0 for ignoring the position and find the string anywhere.
Income message: The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plane
String matcher (position):
Spain (0) – will trigger as Spain is within the income message and 0 means disregard position
rain (6) – will not trigger as “rain” does exist but it doesn’t start at position 6
Italy (0) – will not trigger as the word “Italy” is nowhere in the income message.
Training: Will the string “main” (0) trigger.
RegEx matcher. RexEx must produce logical result “true” or “false”. Will trigger if the result is “true” and will not trigger otherwise.
Income message: Temperature = 39 F
RegEx: ${ Numbers(input)[0] > 32}
This income message will trigger HS3 event as it is true that 39 is > 32
Training: Write RegEx to trigger HS3 event if humidity is more than 87 % and the income message is
Temperature = 45 F and humidity = 90 %
Use the sandbox at the bottom of Big5 -> Configuration page to validate your REgEx.
Number matcher: You pick what count in the string to use for matching and to what value to match
Income message: Filter=1 Pump=0 Cleaner=1 Solar=0
Matcher setup: looks for number 1 in count 2nd
Result: Will not trigger as the second number in the income message is 0 not 1.
on/off matcher. Same as number matcher but looks for “on” and “off” strings instead.